Our Team
We enjoy a multidisciplinary and collaborative environment at the interface of computational biology and cancer genomics. We welcome creative ideas, independent thinking, and a genuine desire to increase our knowledge and ability to recognize and treat pathogenic conditions. We openly communicate our ideas and views, and strongly encourage challenging questions and debates. Hard work and dedication is a must, but we only do it with joy, passion, and belief that it is the right thing.

Anelia Horvath, PhD
Associate Research Professor
Department of Pharmacology and Physiology
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Director, McCormick Genomic and Proteomic Center
Email: horvatha@gwu.edu

We look for people willing to overlap computational and wet-lab experience, who are not afraid to explore new concepts and develop new skills. Everyone is expected to participate in lab meetings and attend seminars, and to follow the most recent genomics and cancer research publications and developments. Time spent in the lab is flexible, but results must be generated in a timely matter.
The lab welcomes applications from GW and Georgetown University graduate and undergraduate students who are interested in exploring a career in computational biology, bioinformatics, and/or cancer genomics.
Please submit your CV and letter of intend/interests/research goals to Anelia Horvath at horvatha@gwu.edu.